Daniel van der Ploeg

Software Developer



Sports Carnival Website

A website to track student athletics and swimming results throughout the sports carnivals and produce various leaderboards to determine winners. The goal of the project was to replace an old MS Access database and in turn speed up the scoring and final results processing time. Producing a website allowed multiple users to input data at the same time (something that could previously not be done) and instantly get results for all events.

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • Docker

Detention and Reminder Slip Program

This was created to replace Endeavour College's paper-based reminder slip system. This new website allows staff to easily give students reminder slips via their phone or laptop and for students to receive notification of their reminder slip via email. After receiving three reminder slips, a student is then automatically assigned a detention. The Detention Coordinator can then generate lists of who is marked for detention and follow up as required.

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • Docker

Lock-down Exam Tool

A simple webpage to allow the creation and use of Microsoft Take a Test links. This website leverages an existing self-hosted URL shortener, Polr, to generate unique codes. A student can be given one of these codes and it will load the lockdown browser on their laptop. It was designed to be simple to use, with only one text input for both staff and students.

Tech Stack

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Docker

Digital Signage Solution

To provide a user-friendly method of communicating room changes and daily notices to students using the existing TVs around the school. The project consists of two parts: a web page to display today's notices, and an administration backend to allow management of the system.

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS
  • Docker